Insightful articles and discussions to broaden your outlook.

My Perspective. Logo: A stylized representation of the company's name, with vibrant colors and modern design. Explore diverse perspectives on tech, culture, and lifestyle at My Perspective. Discover insightful articles and discussions to broaden your outlook.

ጠቅላላ እውቀት

አርታዒ እና የድህረ ገጹ አስተዳዳሪ
መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ኣብ ኤውሮጳ ንዝርከቡ ሓተትቲ ዑቕባ ክገብሮ ዝደለዮ, ብተርጐምቲን መርበብ ሰልዩኡን ይገብር።
September 9, 2023
መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ኣብ ኤውሮጳ ንዝርከቡ ሓተትቲ ዑቕባ ክገብሮ ዝደለዮ, ብተርጐምቲን መርበብ ሰልዩኡን ይገብር።
አርታዒ እና የድህረ ገጹ አስተዳዳሪ
Le gouvernement érythréen a du pouvoir sur les demandeurs d'asile en Europe grâce à son réseau d'espionnage, notamment les interprètes (traducteurs)
September 9, 2023
Le gouvernement érythréen a du pouvoir sur les demandeurs d'asile en Europe grâce à son réseau d'espionnage, notamment les interprètes (traducteurs)
አርታዒ እና የድህረ ገጹ አስተዳዳሪ
Sound of Freedom psyop, Fauci & Christropher Wray busted, Folic acid exposed, and more!
July 17, 2023
Sound of Freedom psyop, Fauci & Christropher Wray busted, Folic acid exposed, and more!
አርታዒ እና የድህረ ገጹ አስተዳዳሪ
Ethiopia to Make Digital ID Mandatory for Banking Operations
July 13, 2023
Ethiopia to Make Digital ID Mandatory for Banking Operations
አርታዒ እና የድህረ ገጹ አስተዳዳሪ
Urinating anywhere is unjust and should be punishable by Law
June 20, 2023
Urinating anywhere is unjust and should be punishable by Law
አርታዒ እና የድህረ ገጹ አስተዳዳሪ
Ethiopia: Until peaceful resolutions are found, the country's problem will continue for eons of lives times.
May 17, 2023
Ethiopia: Until peaceful resolutions are found, the country's problem will continue for eons of lives times.
አርታዒ እና የድህረ ገጹ አስተዳዳሪ
Are they being used as tourist attractions?
May 9, 2023
Are they being used as tourist attractions?
አርታዒ እና የድህረ ገጹ አስተዳዳሪ
The declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen (1789)
May 6, 2023
The declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen (1789)
አርታዒ እና የድህረ ገጹ አስተዳዳሪ
HADAS Eritrea
December 17, 2022
HADAS Eritrea
አርታዒ እና የድህረ ገጹ አስተዳዳሪ
Eritrean Artist in Addis Ababa
November 20, 2022
Eritrean Artist in Addis Ababa
አርታዒ እና የድህረ ገጹ አስተዳዳሪ
The Secret City of Isayas Afworki
November 10, 2022
The Secret City of Isayas Afworki
አርታዒ እና የድህረ ገጹ አስተዳዳሪ
Eritreans Prisoners of War
November 7, 2022
Eritreans Prisoners of War