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The Eritrean government abuses the hospitality offered to refugees from other countries to its advantage

Eritreans are fleeing their own country in numbers. Their country pushed them aside and forced them to take refuge elsewhere in the world. However, Eritreans still think they are independent, even though they have a brutal regime that doesn’t care about its citizens.

The number of Eritrean refugees in Uganda is staggering, they moved to Uganda to be a bit far from Eritrea because the Eritrean mafia government could not reach and harass them. Paradoxically, this also has benefits for the Eritrean government itself. Having refugees in other countries helps the regime strengthen or expand its economic grip, which is the highest driving force that drives the government to brutalize its citizens. To scare them away and take advantage of the opportunity for their own economic benefit

They force Eritreans out of the country using all sorts of torture and trickery, and then they take advantage of this opportunity to establish their own agents and set up state-owned enterprises wherever they can. They take advantage of the opportunity created for refugees or the hospitality offered to the refugees and systematically gain an economic advantage over the host countries.

These are Eritrean leaders without morals, who do business on the suffering of Eritrean citizens, without taking responsibility for their bad intentions. No one questions them as they brutally or systematically kill those who may question them.


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