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The Uncertain Fate of Colonel Bezabih Petros: An Eyewitness Account of His Capture During the Ethio-Eritrean War
May 20, 2024
The Uncertain Fate of Colonel Bezabih Petros: An Eyewitness Account of His Capture During the Ethio-Eritrean War
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The Secret of Biniam Girmay's Success
July 12, 2024
The Secret of Biniam Girmay's Success
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The Secret City of Isayas Afworki
November 10, 2022
The Secret City of Isayas Afworki
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The Mniwalew President Part 2
September 29, 2023
The Mniwalew President Part 2
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The Mniwalew President
September 26, 2023
The Mniwalew President
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The Miniwalew President Part 3
October 3, 2023
The Miniwalew President Part 3
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The Harmful Impact of a Warrior Mindset, Mediocre Leadership and the Power of Love.
July 30, 2024
The Harmful Impact of a Warrior Mindset, Mediocre Leadership and the Power of Love.
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The Festivals that Pay Embassy Employees
October 1, 2023
The Festivals that Pay Embassy Employees
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The Eritrean government has power over asylum seekers in Europe thanks to its spy network,especially the interpreters
September 9, 2023
The Eritrean government has power over asylum seekers in Europe thanks to its spy network,especially the interpreters
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The Eritrean government abuses the hospitality offered to refugees from other countries to its advantage
November 27, 2022
The Eritrean government abuses the hospitality offered to refugees from other countries to its advantage
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The Embalmers Said it
December 13, 2022
The Embalmers Said it
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The electric power supply has completely been cut off in the Benishangul-Gumuz Region
November 5, 2023
The electric power supply has completely been cut off in the Benishangul-Gumuz Region